Teli community meritorious students felicitated.

The meritorious students seen with the guests.

Gadchiroli July 11 (District Correspondent) Lamenting that the Teli community still lags behind in political leadership, youth leader of Teli Samaj Nagpur Umesh Koram has appealed the community youths to come forward and take leadership in their hands.

He was speaking at the felicitation of the meritorious students in school exams, competitive exams and Navodaya, scholarship exams that was organized by Santaji Social Mandal Gadchiroli here on Sunday.

Chairman of Santaji Mandal Prof. Devanand Kamdi presided over the programme while Journalist Avinash Bhandekar, Secretary Gopinath Chandekar, Vice President Adv. Ramdas Kunghadkar, Rajesh Eatankar, Ramraj Karkade,  Anil Balpande, former municipal chief Yogita Pipre, Prabhakar Wasekar, Suresh Bhandekar, former councilor Pramod Pipre  were prominently present.

Mr. Koram further said that there are various schemes like Mahajyoti for OBC students. The students of Teli community should take advantage of these schemes to build their future. Take advantage of the educational opportunities available in various fields, go to places like Delhi to prepare for the Public Service Commission examination and achieve success, he adviced. He also appealed them to nurture one’s family and perform social responsibility after education.

Mr. Avinash Bhandekar informed about his career from high school and said while choosing any field, besides discussing with friends, parents, relatives, you should also discuss with yourself, choose a career according to your interest, even if you fail in one field, there is an opportunity to turn to another field without getting depressed.

After finishing school and college, Albert Einstein tried to get a job as a teacher. However, due to failure, he accepted the job of a clerk. However, he later emerged as a great physicist. There are various job opportunities in electronics media as well. While getting education, we should only think about our educational future, Bhandekar adviced. The rate of suicide of children in the city is a matter of concern and there is a need for counselling, he suggested.

In the presidential speech Prof. Kamdi informed that educational materials are being distributed by the organization for the community students, along with this, bride-groom introduction meeting, health camp etc. are being organized.

Former Municipal President Yogita Pipre said that students should build their lives by maintaining social commitment. Santaji Social Club has certainly worked to awaken new consciousness among the students through such activities. He elaborated the need to continue such activities in the future as well.

Mr. Gopinath Chandewar made an introductory speech, Ramraj Karkade conducted the programme and Sudhakar Lakde gave vote of thanks. Mahadev Waghe, Swapnil Savarkar, Sudhakar Dudhbaware, Vishnu Kamble, Suresh Nimborkar, Shankarao Kothare, Bhaurao Mudke, Prof. Nivritti Shende, Chandrakant Kirme, Prof. Sunil Kamdi, Pandhari Lakde, Devanand Mujbaile, Anandrao Madankar, Hemant Khobragade, Bhaurao Kunghadkar, Dinesh Punde, Chandrakishore Kirme, Ishant Rade, Gunaji Kunghadkar, Bhaskar Thakre and office bearers of Santaji Social Club took pains for the success of the programme.



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