ASHA Workers demand status of government employees.


Gadchiroli June 3 (District Correspondent) Maharashtra State Health Department Asha and Group Promoters Association had organized a taluka level rally of Asha Workers and group promoters at the office of the local taluka health officer under the chairmanship of Com. Vinod Zodge, State Secretary of ITUC the other day.

CPI State  Council member Dr. Mahesh Kopulwar, Dr. Shilu Chimurkar, President of Asha and Group Promoters Association Ms. Sangeeta Meshram, Secretary Ms. Ashwini Donadkar, Thilotama Bhanarkar, Diana Janbandhu, Shilpa Waghre were present as the chief guests.

The various issues of Asha Workers and Group Promoters were discussed in the rally. They included increased salary for January to April 2023 should be given immediately, status of government employees be given to all ASHA and women group promoters, provisions in the supplementary budget be made to pay minimum wages of Rs.18000 to ASHA workers and Rs. 25,000 to Group Promoters be given, salary and allowances as per contract staff be given.

The issues also included filling up 50% of vacant posts in health department from Asha and group promoter women as per eligibility, paying arrears of salary from August 2022 and regular arrears-salary of Arogya Vardhini Center immediately and thereafter regularly within 5th of every month. Pay slips should be given every month, problem solving meetings should be held at taluka and district level with the union every month. Payment for the work done under Ayushman Bharat Yojana immediately through Gram Panchayat. The payment of LBW (low weight babies) immediately.

It was also demanded that Asha workers and group promoters should not be asked to do any other work. Asha Niwas should be constructed at the district hospital immediately. They should be paid their arrears from April. Recruit 50 percent of the posts in the health department from ASHA and group promoters, give them paid leave, minor leave, paid maternity leave. Health check-up of all the family members of Asha and group promoters should be done free of charge through the government hospitals etc.

Addressing the rally, Dr. Mahesh Kopulwar appealed the workers to get ready to intensify the next fight by strengthening the organization for their rights. The present central and state government is anti-workers and anti-farmers and is working in the interest of the capitalists to put the government property in their throats, he alleged appealing the workers to teach this govt. a lesson.

Dr. Chimurkar appreciated the work of Asha Worker and asserted that it is very important to implement minimum wage, social security and assured that she will stand firmly behind them. Com. Vinod Zodge warned of violent agitation if the local demands are not met immediately.

The programme was moderated by Ms. Kavita Indurkar, introductory speech by Sangeeta Meshram and vote of thanks was given by Rekha Bhoyar. Hundreds of Asha and group promoter workers of the taluka were present on this occasion.


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