Adv. bodhi Ramteke felicitated on getting foreign scholarship.

adv. bodhi ramteke
Adv. bodhi Ramteke replying to his felicitation as the guests are seated.

Gadchiroli April 2 (Special correspondent) Adv. Bodhi Ramteke, a resident of Chamorshi was accorded grand felicitation by various social organizations of the city on his selection for the most prestigious ‘Erasmus Mundus’ scholarship of the European Commission.

The programme that was held at the Sanvidhan Sabhagriha of Baliraja Palace was presided over by social worker Vilas Nimborkar. Mr. Naren Gedam, Ambedkarite thinker, Rohidas Raut, senior journalist and political activist, Mr. Shyam Ramteke and Ms. Aruna Ramteke, parents of Bodhi graced the occasion as the chief guests.

A 25-year-old Adv. Bodhi Ramteke, an ambitious, socially conscious young man who consistently has been working on the issues of the backward classes, especially the tribals, has been selected for the European Scholarship of Rs. 45 lakhs, which is awarded to only 15 selective people in the world.  Not only this, but recently he has also received the letter of selection for the scholarship from the University of California in United States.

Taking Babasaheb Ambedkar as role model and source inspiration, young people like Bodhi Ramteke should take the higher education and serve the society, said Mr. Vilas Nimborkar, from the position of president. Every student should get education like Bodhi and try to move the society forward, he added.

Mr. Naren Gedam and Rohidas Raut appreciated Adv. Bodhi for his success and said his success story would inspire the other students. They also extended best wishes to bodhi for his further career.

Replying to the felicitation, Bodhi said ‘my success is not mine but it is the success of the society, because from my childhood I was constantly inspired socially by my parents and got support from the society every time as well’. The thoughts of great men continued to inspire me and therefore I will use my education for the upliftment of the society and not just for personal gain, he promised amidst the thunderous applause.

Mr. Dharmanand Meshram of SEM, Dr. Santosh Suradkar of Gondwana University, Prof. Sesharao Yelekar of National OBC Federation, Dadaji Chaple of Maratha Sewa Sangha, Umeshkumar Maitreya, Prof. Prakash Dudhe of the Republican Party, Prof. Gautam Dange of Bouddha Mahasabha, Manohar Hepat , social worker, Sadanand Taram of Adivasi Employees Federation, Raj Bansod of Satyashodak Foundation, Ms. Sudha Chaudhary of Mali Samaj Sangathan were also present on the occasion.

Mr. Maroti Dudhabawre of the Sambhaji Brigade made an introductory speech, The program was moderated by Ms. Pravindi Valke, and Ashok Mandade of the Mali Samaj Sangathan proposed the vote of thanks.

Mr. Prateek Dange, Pritesh Ambade, Satish Durgamwar, Bhimraj Patrikar, Vinod Madavi and other activists took pains for the success of the programme. A large number of people attended the programme.



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