Scientific approach necessary to eradicate superstition- Vilas Nimborkar.

andhashraddha nirmulan
Mr. Vilas Nimborkar and others seen at the programme.

Gadchiroli Dec. 5 (District Correspondent) Superstitions cannot be eradicated without adopting scientific approach, said Mr. Vilas Nimborkar, Social Worker and senior office bearer of Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmula Samiti while speaking at village Mudza near here the other day.

The activists of Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmula Samiti Branch Gadchiroli, and Abhinav Bahuuddeshiya Kala Mandal had organized a public awareness program on the elimination of superstitions among women and working class in the society.

The program was chaired by Mr. Vilas Nimborkar, State Co-ordinator of Maha Anis Scientific Awareness and Education Project, Mr. Vitthalrao Kothare, District Working President, Mr. Vilas Parkhi, District Principal Secretary, Mrs. Sudhatai Chaudhary, District Women Participation Incharge were prominently present.

Ms. Sudhatai Chaudhary made the program interesting by presenting a song of the superstition eradication movement. Vitthalrao Kothare demonstrated how the people are cheated by showing miracles using manual skills and scientific materials.

Mr. Nimborkar gave many examples to convince the people how the the ideological wealth and thoughts of the great social reformers are needed to be carried forward from one generation to the next one for transforming the society. Mr. Parkhi tried to remove the ignorance and misunderstanding among the people by providing detailed information about the snake bites.

The program was introduced by Ms. Shital Mankar and vote of thanks was proposed by Mayur Gaddamwar. Women, students and men of the village were present in large numbers.




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