Beware of divisive forces, appeals Dr. Namdeo Kirsan.

namdeo kirsan
Dr. Namdeo Kirsan speaking as Dr. Namdeo Usendi, Mahendra Bramhanwade and others are seated.

Gadchiroli Dec. 21 (District correspondent) Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee General Secretary and Gadchiroli-Chimur Lok Sabha Coordinator Dr. Namdev Kirsan has called upon the people to be cautious from the elements which create enmity and conflicts among the different segments of the society because such forces weaken the country.

He was speaking at the inauguration of a cultural programme organized by the youths of village Potegaon near here the other day.

Gadchiroli District Congress Committee President Mahendra Brahmanwade, presided over the programme while former MLA and General Secretary of Maharashtra Congress Dr. Namdev Usendi, Youth Congress Secretary Vishwajit Kowase, Taluka Congress Secretary Srinivas Tadpalliwar, , Former Taluka President Netaji Gavture, District President of SC Cell Rajinikanth Motghare, OBC Cell President Diwakar Nisar, Taluka Congress Committee President Vasantrao Raut were prominently present as the chief guests.

Dr. Kirsan informed the audience about the current economic, social and political situation and advised them to be wary of the destructive tendencies in the society. Social harmony is very much important for the progress of the country and it needs to be maintained at any cost. The cultural activities help in strengthening the social harmony and brotherhood, he stated.

Dr. Usendi attracted the attention of the people towards the burning problems like unemployment, rising prices etc and appealed the people to come forward for raising these issues before the government unitedly. Congress party has always worked for the social unity and brotherhood, he pointed out.

Mr. Bramhanwade appreciated the village youths for organizing the cultural programme hoping that such events are useful in creative and constructive development of the youths.

Also present on the occasion were Mr. Dhivaruji Meshram, Maltabai Madavi, Sarpanch, Archanatai Surpam, Kantatai Halami, Vinod Madavi, Narendra Mohurle, and a large number of spectators.




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