Call Adiwasis as Adiwasis, not Wanvasis – say the activists at Adiwasi Adhikar Din.

adiwasi adhikar din
Mr. Vasant Kulsange speaking as Mr. rohidas Raut, Dr. dilip Barsagade and Dharmanand Meshram are seated.

Gadchiroli Sept. 14 (District correspondent) Call Adiwasis as Adiwasis or Mulniwasis as they are the aboriginal residents of the world. Don’t mention them ‘Wanvasis’ and stop the Hinduisation of the Adiwasis as they don’t belong to any religion. They are the worshippers of the Nature’.

This was the consensus view of the speakers at the ‘Adiwasi Adhikar Din’ that was organized by Veer Baburao Shedmake Prabodhan Samiti at Sanvidhan Sabhagriha here on Wednesday to mark the adoption of ‘World Tribals Day’ resolution by UNO.

Senior journalist Rohidas Raut presided over the programme while Dr. Dilip Barsagade of Movement for Justice, designs of Dharmanand Meshram, social worker and Vasant Kulsange, founder of Prabodhan Samiti were prominently present.

Mr. Kulsange, in his thought-provoking speech spoke at length on the injustice being done to the tribals and the designs of eliminating their identity and culture and said that it is highly objectionable and wrong to describe the Adiwasis as Wanvasis. These efforts are being deliberately made by some elements to wipe out the very existence of the Adiwasis, he said.

Adiwasis have a great and glorious history. They have been the rulers and sacrificed their lives in the freedom struggle. They have protected and safeguarded the natural wealth. Tribals have many heroes, they have their own traditions which always believed in human welfare. This history is however not taught in the Universities. On the contrary, a particular ideology is being deliberately enforced upon them. This should be stopped, Kulsange said.

Dr. Barsagade said the Declaration of UNO regarding the International Day for World’s Indigenous People is historic and need to be understood and propagated in the right spirit. General public should be awakened on this important topic, he stated underlining the importance of the Adiwasis in the country and the world as a whole.

Mr. Meshram any efforts to derecognize the identity of the tribals should be thwarted forcefully as it is dangerous not only for the tribals but for the entire humanity. All the tribals and Ambedkarites should work together in this regard, he appealed.

Mr. Raut, in his presidential speech termed the negligence of the government towards the burning issues of the tribals very shameful. The issues related to tribals need to be addressed urgently to better their lives. Mentioning the academic loss of the tribal students from Manipur due to their displacement as the national loss, he demanded that the government should make the arrangement of studies of these students urgently to avoid their academic career getting ruined. All the universities should take initiative in this regard, he demanded.

At the outset, portraits of Birsa Munda, Veer Baburao Shedmake, Raje Yadaoshah Maharaj, Mahatma Phule, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar were garlanded. Mr. Buddhabhushan Kulsange conducted the programme and also proposed the vote of thanks. Also present at the programme were Mr. Hansraj Undirwade, Pradeep Bhaisare, Tularam Raut, Kunal Kowe, Lahuji Ramteke, Ms. Mangar and others.


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