Arvind Mali asks OBCs to fight for their burning issues.


Gadchiroli Sept. 27 (District Correspondent) Well known thinker Arvind Mali has called upon the OBCs to come out of mental slavery and work consciously for the resolving the burning issues before the society.

He was addressing the Foundation Day ceremony of Satyashodhak Samaj that was recently organized by District Mali Samaj Sangathan at Sanvidhan Sabhagriha of the city.

Senior social worker Prof. Shravan Deore presided over the programme.

Speaking at the programme Mr. Mali gave enlightening guidance on various issues confronting the OBCs of the country including status of Bahujans, their responsibility and role etc and spoke in detail on the plight of the OBCs. He asserted the need for the OBCs to consciously come out of the clutches of the prevailing social system and fight for solving the issues.

He described OBC as a mentally enslaved community and said that the sooner it comes out of this mental slavery, the better off this country will be.

In his presidential speech Prof. Shravan Devere asserted the need for OBCs to be politically empowered and united. He said that OBCs should come together not by caste but by group and category and form an independent political front of OBCs to face the present political scenario forcefully.

Mr. Vilas Nimborkar, social worker, Ms. Deore were also seated on the dais. Mr.  Bhimraj Patrikar of the Mali Samaj Sangathana made an introductory speech.  Ashok Mandade conducted the programme and Purushottam Lengure proposed the vote of thanks.  Many activists from the city and other parts of the district attended the program.


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