Workshop on Marathi Literature organized at Munghate College.

munghate college
Mr. Prabhu Rajgadkar speaking as Dr. Rajabhau Munghate and others are seated.

Gadchiroli Feb. 2 (District correspondent) Maharashtra Government Language Directorate and Shri Govindrao Munaghte College of Arts and Sciences, Kurkheda, had organized a workshop on the topic ‘Linguistic and Literary Contribution of Gadchiroli District to Marathi Literature’.

Well-known poet Prabhu Rajgadkar presented his extensive and scholarly thoughts on the topic. Principal Dr. Rajabhau Munghate presided over the programme while Mr. Haresh Suryavanshi, Divisional Director of Nagpur and Amravati Division of Directorate of Languages, Sneha Punse, Program Coordinator, P S Khope Vice Principal of College and Head of Marathi Department Prof. Dr. Narendra Arekar were present as special guests.

Professor Dr. Narendra Arekar, Head of the Department welcomed the programme Mr. Haresh Suryavanshi and Sneha Punse elaborated on the role of Language Directorate.

While presenting his thoughts in the said lecture, Mr. Rajgadkar elaborated the uniqueness of Dandakaranya giving instances of the creation of Maharashtra state, geographical location, culture, multilingualism and multi-culturalism of Gadchiroli district.

The majority of the literature in Gadchiroli district is in oral or handwritten form and the majority of the dialects here have no script. He also said that if the government sets aside the rules applicable to the rest of Maharashtra and gives a special concession for the publication of handwritten drama codes performed in the Zadipatti theatre in this area as a matter of special concern to Gadchiroli district, the majority of published literature can come into existence and if the new writers of the district write, this literature will survive, opined Mr. Rajgadkar.

Dr. Rajabhau Munghate said in Dandakaranya Education Institute has a special interest in the field of literature and arts and the founder president of the institute late Govindrao Munghate is known as a writer himself. All the necessary efforts will be made for the conservation of language and literature by our Institute, he assured.

Expressing the feeling that we should also do our best in this regard, he expressed the opinion that a literature list of Gadchiroli district will be prepared through our institute. He said that it is not only the government’s responsibility to do everything, but as a conscious citizen, it is our duty to preserve our language and our culture.

In his insightful presidential address, Dr. Munghate also reviewed many neglected literary works in Gadchiroli district.

This program was conducted by Prof. Hemlata Urade, Dr. Narendra Arekar proposed the vote of thanks. The program was attended by Madhavaseth Nirankari, Ravindra Gotefode, Adv. Umesh Walde, Siraj Pathan, poetess Sangeeta Thalal, Jyotsana Bansod along with many citizens, all professors, non-teaching staff and of students were present. Lokesh Raut and Tokesh Kolhe provided special support for the success of the program.



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