Congress workers protest inauguration of Parliament by PM Modi.

congress workers
Dr. Namdeo Usendi, Mahendra Bramhanwade, Dr. Namdeo Kirsan and others seen at the agitation.

Gadchiroli May 27 (District Correspondent) The Maharashtra Pradesh Adivasi Congress, Gadchiroli District Adivasi Congress and Gadchiroli District Congress Committee workers staged demonstrations in the city this afternoon to press the demand of inaugurating the new parliament house at the hands of the President of India Draupadi Murmu and not by the Prime minister Narendra Modi.

A large number of party workers assembled at Indira square of the city under the leadership of Dr. Namdeo Usendi, General Secretary of MPCC and former MLA and shouted slogans against the Modi government.

As per the constitution of the country, President the first citizen of this country. And for the first time, the country has got an Adivasi woman President. In fact, in a democracy, the right to inaugurate a new parliament building belongs to the President morally. But the Prime Minister of this country, Narendra Modi, is inaugurating the new parliament building with his own hands, leaving aside the rights of this woman president to make himself proud which is anti-constitution and illegal, said Dr. Usendi while speaking on the occasion.

The act of the Prime Minister Modi to inauguraten the parliament house himself is an insult to the President, Dr. Usendi asserted and demanded that the decision should be taken back immediately and the parliament house be inaugurated at the hands of the President of India, he demanded.

District Congress Committee President Mahendra Bramhanwade, State General Secretary Dr. Namdev Kirsan, State Secretary Dr. Nitin Kodwate, Treasurer Prabhakar Wasekar, City President Satish Viddate, senior women’s leader Kusum Alam, Teacher Cell President Devaji Sontakke, State Representative Samsherkhan Pathan , Women’s Congress District President Adv. Kavita Moharkar, SC District President Rajinikanth Motghare, Pandurang Ghotekar, Kashinath Bhadke, Anil Kothare, Taluka President Vasantha Raut, Taluka President Tribal Congress Shivram Kumre, State General Secretary Youth Congress Kunal Pendorkar,  District President Transport Department Rupesh Tickle, District President Cooperation Department Bharat Yerme, Former Taluk President Netaji Gavture, Ramdas Tiple, Lahukumar Ramteke, Former Scheduled Caste District President Aparna Khewle, State Secretary Youth Congress Prateek Barsinge, Jitendra Munghate and many other congress workers participated in this agitation.


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