Gadchiroli Oct. 10 (District Correspondent) A blood donation camp was organized by the Scheduled Castes Department of the Congress Committee to mark the completion of one year of District Congress Youth President Mahendra Bramhanwade, the other day.
As many as 22 youths including Mr. Bramhanwade himself donated their blood in this camp that was organized in the district Hospital here. Scheduled Caste Cell President Rajnikant Motghare took an initiative for this camp. Mr. The other youths were Pranay Bhoyer, Srikrishna Lonbale, Vijay Madavi, Shubham Nisar, Abhijit Hazra, Sameer Nisar, Parag Jengathe, Sanatan Kirtania, Dhiru Meshram, Sawan Devli, Dhiru Meshram, Ajay Gehlot, Sawan Dewali, Yash Kusam, Anil Chavan, Amit Choudhary, Rakesh Gedam and others donated their blood voluntarily.
Mr. Mahendra Brahmanwade has always been ready to help the needy and always creates new spirit in the party and workers through various social activities. He has organized organizes social utility programmes like blood donation, health check- up camp, distribution of food to corona patients and their relatives and other such activities.
Maharashtra Pradesh Congress General Secretary and District Incharge Dr. Namdev Kirsan, City President Satish Vidhate, District Treasurer Scheduled Caste Cell President Rajnikant Motghare, State General Secretary Youth Congress Vishwajit Kowase, OBC Cell President Pandurang Ghotekar, Kisan Cell President Vamanrao Savasakde, Cooperation Cell President Shamrao Chaple. , Suresh Bhandekar, Harbaji More, Abdul Panjwani, Jitendra Moonghate and many dignitaries were present during the blood donation and congratulated Bramhanwade on his successful completion of one year tenure as District President and wished him all the best for the future .
Photo Mr. Mahendra Bramhanwade donating blood as Dr. Namdeo Kirsan, Rajnikant Motghare and others look on.