Nirbhay Bano meeting at Gadchiroli on Feb. 23.

nirbhay bano
Dr. Vishambhar Chaudhari and Adv. Aseem Sarode

Gadchiroli Feb. 6 (District correspondent) A public meeting under ‘Nirbhay Bano’ campaign has been organized at Gadchiroli on Feb. 25 next. The Nirbhay Bano Vichar Manch and various progressive social organizations in the city have organized this meeting at Rajiv Gandhi Sabhagriha in Indira Gandhi Sqaure of the city at 5 pm.

The two renowned speakers of Maharashtra, Dr. Vishwambhar Chaudhari, well -known thinker and social worker and Adv. Aseem Sarode, Constitution Expert and Law Analyst will deliver the speeches in this meeting.

A meeting of the activists of various social and political organizations in the city was held at the PWD Guest house here recently and the programme was finalized. All the workers present in the meeting resolved to make this meeting a grand success saying that propagation of secular, democratic and constitutional thoughts is very much necessary in the present scenario.

Nirbhay Bano is a social platform that has been spearheading the movement of making people aware about the present political situation in the country and urging the people to stand together against the fascist and fundamental forces and strengthen democracy and save constitution of India. These meetings have been evoking tremendous response from the general public all-over the state.

The social workers in Gadchiroli city also decided to organize the lectures of Dr. Chaudhari and Adv. Sarode in the city of Gadchiroli. The proposal was welcomed and accepted by all the organizations.

The grand preparations are being made for this meeting by the workers. The workers of various progressive social and political organizations are taking pains for the meeting which is expected to get tremendous response from the people of the district.


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