Gadchiroli Sept. 12 (District Correspondent) As many as 461 cases were settled by mutual compromise and an amount of Rs. 4.15 crores was recovered in the Lok Adalat that was held in the district recently.
District Legal Services Authority had organized the Lok Adalat in the Courts of the entire Gadchiroli district recently. In this, a total of 257 pending and 206 pre-filed cases were settled through mutual compromise.
Civil and Criminal Cases, 138 N.I. Act cases, land acquisition cases, Family Matters, Motor Vehicle Accident Claim Matters, Petition Matters, Bank Related Matters and Pre-Litigation Cases relating to Telephone, Mobile Company Disputes, Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Cases, Credit Society Cases, Taxation cases under Gram Panchayat, Nagar Parishad as well as cases before District Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum etc. were settled in this Lok Adalat.
Also, an amount of Rs. 4. 15 crores were recovered through this court by settlement. A total of 114 minor cases were disposed off by special drive. A case of matrimonial dispute was also settled and the husband and wife were united.
The Chairman of District Legal Services Authority and the Chief District and Sessions Judge Just. U.B. Shukla felicitated the couple by giving them saree and blouse. The Lok Adalat was organized under the supervision of Legal Services Authority, Secretary R. R. Patil. District Judge-1 and Additional Sessions Judge, Gadchiroli U.M. Mudholkar, Civil Judge (Senior Level) and Chief Judicial Magistrate S.P. Sadaphale, Joint Civil Judge and Magistrate C.P. Raghuvanshi worked on the different panels. The court of Judicial Magistrate (Jr. Dn.) N.C. Sorte also was functional for hearing the cases under section 256, 258 of Cr PC.
Also, Law volunteer Amol Kirmijwar, Lukesh Somankar, Pravin Ghate, District Lawyers Association President Ravindra Donadkar, Senior Advocates of the District Bar Association and other lawyers and judicial staff as well as P. V. Santoshwar, N.R. Bhalme, N.D. Gurnule, S.K.Choudhari, J.M.Bhoyar, H.M. Gaimukhe, S.N. Ale, and S.W. Wasekar and others of the District Legal Service Authority took pains for the success of the Lok Adalat.
Photo District and Sessions Judge U. B. Shukla felicitating the couple at the Lok Adalat.