Youths stuck in web of social media may ruin them- Dr. Nomesh Meshram.

youth day
Dr. Nomesh Meshram speaking as Dr. Vijay Rewatkar and others are seated.

Gadchiroli Aug. 21 (District Correspondent) World Youth Day was celebrated at Mahatma Gandhi Mahavidyalaya, Armori under the guidance of Prin. Lal Singh Khalsa in association with National Service Scheme Department and Red Ribbon Club. ‘Click to Progress’ Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development’ has been decided as the theme of the United Nations Youth Day for 2024.

Dr. Vijay Raivatkar, Head of Faculty of Arts presided over the programme. Dr. Nomesh Meshram, Head of Marathi. Gajendra Kadhav, Head of NSS, Prof. Sunanda Kumre, Programme Officer were prominently present.

Speaking on the occasion Dr. Nomesh Meshram said India is the largest country of youth in the world. It is said that there are 65 percent youth in India. India is dreaming of becoming a world superpower on the strength and power of the young generation. The young generation has the desire to learn new things and also the determination. They are involved in the development of the country. But  today’s youth is too much stuck in the web of social media such as internet, mobile, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and a large number of youths have become engrossed in it. Bollywood actors, sportspersons, celebrities are paid huge amounts of money to advertise online games and attract young people.

Instead of attracting the youth towards constructive work, their direction is being diverted elsewhere. The young generation is getting ruined in it. This should be looked into seriously and such practices should be banned.

Dr. Rewatkar said Swami Vivekananda’s birth anniversary January 12 is celebrated as National Youth Day. In Yuva itself, Vayu that means motion. Swami Vivekananda expected an independent youth who would be cultured, strong, with love for the nation and society. The government should recognize the ‘mann ki baat’ of the youth. Employment should be provided to them. New opportunities should be given. This is the only solution, otherwise the youth generation which we look up to as the strength of the nation will surely be destroyed in the cycle of politics, social media, addiction. It will not take long to become a country of unemployed and addicted youth, he cautioned.

The problems of youths should be addressed. They should get good education, proper direction and guidance, he stressed.Gajendra Kadhav, Head of NSS Department, in his introductory speech, explained the role, purpose and importance of celebrating Youth Day at the global level. Also, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to celebrate this day on 17 December 1999. After this, in 2000, International Youth Day was celebrated for the first time on August 12.

Prof. Sunanda Kumre conducted the programme and proposed the vote of thanks.




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