Seminar seeks more focus on development of Gadchiroli.


Gadchiroli Aug. 27 (District Correspondent) Much more is yet needed to be done for the overall development of Gadchiroli district and the elected public representatives together with administration should focus on this task.

This was the opinion expressed by the speakers in a seminar on Gadchiroli District Development that was organized jointly by District Development Coordination and Research Committee, Jan Adhikar Manch Gadchiroli and Maha Anis at Parishram Bhavan here to mark the 40 th anniversary of the district.

President of Gurudev Seva Mandal Dr. Shivnath Kumbhare, chaired the programme while senior journalist Rohidas Raut, social activist Manohar Hepat, former corporators Prakash Taksande, Gulab Madavi, social worker Kusumtai Alam, Pandit Pudke, Prin. Prakash Arjunwar were present as the speakers.

While reviewing the development of Gadchiroli district, Dr. Kumbhare, said that the patients in the rural areas are still not provided with health facilities, there are no good roads, no industries. Farmers’ crops are not guaranteed. The funds of crores of rupees are received in the name of tribal development, but even after forty years, there is no desired change in tribal life, he said.

Mr. Raut expressed disappointment over the negligence of both the govt. officials and representatives towards the problems of the district and expressed the need of raising the   public voice. The district is reeling under various problems, he pointed out.

The administrative authorities do not take social workers into confidence and organize meetings to solve the problems, it was suggested. There is no visionary and diligent leadership who could bring funds, it was also stated by Mr. Hepat.

Mr.Taksande highlighted various problems in Gadchiroli city. Due to the inefficiency and negligence of the representatives, district could not achieve expected progress, he opined. Huge money is spent on construction activities but how many people are getting jobs, he asked.

The prohibition of liquor has remained just on the papers. Unemployment is the biggest problem as there are no any industries in the district. There is no any progress in Wadsa-Gadchiroli railway line, Medical College and Engineering College has not been opened yet, said Ms. Alam.

Mr. Gulabrao Madavi, Prakash Arjunwar, Pandit Pudke, Mukunda Meshram, Amol Vakudkar also expressed their views regarding the development of Gadchiroli.

Mr. Manohar Hepat made an introductory speech. The program was conducted by Mr. Lahuji Ramteke and vote of thanks was done by Vilas Nimborkar.

Mr. Vitthalrao Kothare, Pradip Kulasange, Anurath Nilekar, Purushottam Chaudhary, Vamanrao Bhoyer, Upendra Rohankar, Kamlakar Warke, Prashant Naitam, Haridas Kotarange, Tapojya Bhasajji and others were present in the program.


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