Gadchiroli March 9 (District Correspondent) International Women’s Day was celebrated at Samidha College of Civil Services here on Saturday. The specialty of this programme was that the college students were the chief guests and speakers.
The program was presided over by Mr. Kalidas Raut, President of the institution. Student representatives of the college, Harshali Sahare, Bhagyashree Urkude, China Bhoyar, Megha Raut, were present on the discussion platform as the chief guests.
The program began with the worship of the image of Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule.
Speaking as the chief guest, the student representatives asked, “Are women exercising their rights, are they safe today, are they aware of their rights? Seeing the current situation, it is necessary to increase the security of women. Even today, women are deprived of their rights, they asserted.
In his presidential speech, Mr. Kalidas Raut said that women and girls should read and understand the autobiographies of great women and imitate them in their own life. They should fight for their rights. The most important thing is to make their own career. Making their own career and contributing to the society and the country is the real need of the time for women.
The college professors and other employees were present at this program. The introductory speech of this program was given by Prof. Ankush Gohane while Ms. Shivani Shende moderated the program and Nikita Gedekar proposed the vote of thanks. A large number of students attended the programme.