Mahatma Fuley Study Centre opened at Gondwana University.

mahatma fuley
Dr. Vijay Rathod speaking as Dr. Shriram Kawle and others are seated.

Gadchiroli Aug. 27 (District Correspondent) The work of Mahatma Phule is very popular. Seeing the ignorance, poverty and caste discrimination of the Bahujan community, he decided to improve the social conditions. Mahatma Phule was dedicated to education and started the first Marathi school for girls in Pune. He has contributed a lot in creating an egalitarian society, said Dr. Vijay Rathod of R. S. Mundle College of Arts and Commerce, Nagpur while peaking at the inauguration of Krantisurya Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Study Centre at Gondwana University this afternoon.

Dr. Sriram Kawle, Pro VC of Gondwana University presided over the program, while Member Dr. Naththuji Pagde, Dean of Faculty of Human Sciences. Dr. Dhanraj Patil, Coordinator of the Study Center Dr. Rajni Wadhai, Dr. Praful Nande, Dr. Madhuri Kokode, Dr. Sandesh Sonule, Dr. Sushma Bankar were prominently present.

Dr. Rathod said, there is a need to put Mahatma Phule’s thoughts into action.  He presented the reality of poverty and plight of the farmers in Maharashtra in the book ‘Shetkaryancha Asud’ written by him. A study centre started in the name of Mahatma Phule will produce bibliography, literature and patents in this university, he hoped.

Dr. Kawle said, Gondwana University has more than ten study centres in the name of great men and saints which have been started to highlight the work of these [personalities, to propagate their work and make students understand their work. Mahatma Phule and Savitribai planted the foundation of education at that time. Therefore, today women are coming forward in various fields after being educated. Students should study biographies of Mahatma Phule and take inspiration from them, he appealed.

Introduction of dignitaries was made by Dr. Rajni Wadhai. The program started by garlanding the portraits of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule and Savitribai Phule.  Prof. Atul Gavaskar conducted the programme and Dr. Ravindra Vikhar proposed the vote of thanks.

The program was attended by teaching and non-teaching staff, faculty and students of the university.




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