Kusum Alam appointed General Secretary of Congress Party.

kusum alam
Ms. Kusum Alam being given appointment letter by Mr. Nanabhau Patole.

Gadchiroli Gadchiroli May 7 (District Correspondent) Veteran writer and former Zilla Parishad councillor Ms. Kusumtai Alam has been appointed as the General Secretary of the Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee’s Landless, Destitute Development Department.

Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee President Nanabhau Patole gave the appointment letter to Kusumtai Alam at a function in Mumbai the other day.

Ms. Alam is a senior Congress worker and has been working for the tribals and backwards for the last many years. Reently, she had organized a national level tribal women’s literary meet at Gadchiroli which was highly appreciated. Ms. Alam is a well known poet and writer also and her articles are regularly published in many reputed newspapers.

Kusumtai Alam has thanked Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee President Nanabhau Patole, State President of Landless Destitute Development Department Radhikatai Makhamle, Tribal Congress National President Shivajirao Moghe, Former Minister and MLA Vijay Wadettiwar, Former Minister Prof. Vasant Purke, Former Minister Advt. K. C. Padavi, Former Minister Adv. Padmakar W alvi, former MP Marotrao Kovase, Gadchiroli District Congress President Mahendra Brahmanwade, Maharashtra Pradesh Congress General Secretary Dr. Namdev Kirsan, Ex MLAs Dr. Namdev Usendi, Anandrao Gedam,  Pentaram Talandi, Mahila Congress District President Advocate Kavita Moharkar City President Satish Vidhate and other Congress leaders.

Photo Ms. Kusum Alam being given appointment letter by Mr. Nanabhau Patole.


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